ivy+svn provides the Ivy dependency manager a resolver for Subversion repositories.
ivy+svn uses svnClientAdapter Subversion library to provide access to the Subversion API. This can be used with TMate's JavaSVN or Subversion's own javahl JNI-based library for actual access to the Subversion repository.
How to use it
You will need to add svnClientAdapter.jar in your classpath. wish to use JNI client (recommanded), you will need svnjavahl.jar in your classpath too. For 100% Pure Java, use javasvn.jar instead.
To use with ivy, add a 'typedef' declaration like the following:
This will define a resolver similar to the filesystem resolver that interprets the provided URLs using the Subversion protocol. This can be used for accessing ivy files or artifacts.
If you need to provide a username and password to access the repository, use the standard URL convention for doing so:
<ivyconf> <conf defaultResolver="dual"/> <typedef name="svn" classname="org.ivytools.resolver.SvnResolver"/> <resolvers> <dual name="dual"> <filesystem name="ivys"> <ivy pattern="${ivy.conf.dir}/modules/[module]-[revision].xml"/> </filesystem> <svn name="artifacts"> <artifact pattern="svn://localhost/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].jar"/> </svn> </dual> </resolvers> </ivyconf>